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Installation on Debian

Please, don't follow these instructions if you use a version from our Git repository. You must instead, follow the instructions that you can find in the docs/Debian directory.


Make sure that your system is up-to-date

Before processing new i-MSCP installation, you must first ensure that your system is up-to-date.

  # apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade

Install pre-required packages

  # apt-get install whiptail perl

Server Hostname

Your server has to be configured to use a resolvable fully qualified host name (FQHN). A FQHN follows the format host.domain.tld or host.sub.domain.tld, but not domain.tld. If your server is configured properly, the output of the “hostname -f” command should be your FQHN. If it is not, you can easily fix that by running the following (replace host.domain.tld with your FQHN):

  # echo 'host.domain.tld' > /etc/hostname
  # hostname -F /etc/hostname

Also, the FQHN must resolve to your server's IP. You can check that by running host “host.domain.tld”, wich should return the IP address of your server. If it does not, you will need to update the DNS entries of your “domain.tld” domain. This must be done using whatever tool your domain registar or ISP offers for that task. Contact them if you are unsure on how to do it.


1. Untar or unzip the i-MSCP archive

First of all, make sure that you are logged in as root. Download the i-MSCP archive to your /usr/local/src folder, extract it, and change to the newly created folder.

  # cd /usr/local/src
  # wget<<version>>.tar.gz
  # tar xzf <<version>>.tar.gz
  # cd imscp-<<version>>

2. (optional) Check the imscp.conf and adapt it to your requirements

Before processing the installation, you can modify any settings found in configs/debian/imscp.conf to better suit your requirements. However, the panel comes with a good set of defaults, and the installation procedure is going to let you setup most things. Therefore, you need rarely change anything.

3. Install by running the imscp-autoinstall script

i-MSCP comes with a fully interactive installer, that will automatically install any required packages from the Debian's repositories. During the installation procedure you will be asked several questions. When unsure, just answer with the defaults, to be sure that your server will work properly. To proceed, just launch the installer by running:

  # perl imscp-autoinstall -d

If you get to the end of the installation procedure without receiving any errors, the panel is already installed and operational. In case you received any error, take a look at the troubleshooting section below.

Note for servers behind NAT

If your server is behind a NAT setup, which is mostly true in case of some virtualization solutions (e.g. Amazon, Openstack etc..), the wizard will first ask you which private IP to use, then ask you about the public one. This only happens if at the base IP selection phase it can't find any public address to use (and it's supposedly set up somewhere else in the cluster).


In case you have questions about any of the above steps, or you received an error during the installation, you should head to the i-MSCP Forums. Before posting your problem, you should first try to find a thread related to your problem by using both the forum's search functionality, as well as a google query with the keyword in front (so that google only searches on our forums).

If you can't find your answer through these methods, it is time for you to post your problem. Remember to include as much information about it as you can, including the full error message you got, the distribution and version you use, the i-MSCP version you are trying to install, and any logs you think are relevant. The better your question is laid out, the higher the chances that you will get a prompt and useful responses.

Behind a LXC Container

If you are using apparmor have a look at the Host:


And change

  profile lxc-container-default flags=(attach_disconnected,mediate_deleted) {
     mount options=(rw, bind),

Finally reload apparmor using

  /etc/init.d/apparmor reload
/var/www/virtual/ · Last modified: 2016/03/23 09:43 by ciscllc