======RemoteBridge Plugin Documentation====== ===== REQUIREMENTS ===== * i-MSCP versions >= 1.1.0.rc4.7 * Bind must be activated on i-MSCP * Domain for your RemoteBridge must use the nameserver of your i-MSCP installation ===== INSTALLATION ===== * Login into the panel as admin and go to the plugin management interface * Upload the RemoteBridge plugin archive * Activate the plugin ===== UPDATE ===== * Login into the panel as admin and go to the plugin management interface * Upload the RemoteBridge plugin archive * Update the plugin list through the plugin interface ==== RemoteBridge URL ==== http(s)://admin.myserver.tld/remotebridge.php ==== How to send data to the remote bridge (example) ==== function dataEncryption($dataToEncrypt, $ResellerUsername) { return strtr(base64_encode(mcrypt_encrypt(MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256, md5($ResellerUsername), serialize($dataToEncrypt), MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, md5(md5($ResellerUsername)))), '+/=', '-_,'); } $bridgeKey = ''; $ResellerUsername = ''; $dataToEncrypt = array( 'action' => '', 'reseller_username' => $ResellerUsername, 'reseller_password' => '', 'bridge_key' => $bridgeKey, 'hosting_plan' => '', 'admin_pass' => '', 'email' => '', 'domain' => '' ); $ch = curl_init('http(s)://admin.myserver.tld/remotebrigde.php'); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, 'key='.$bridgeKey.'&data='.dataEncryption($dataToEncrypt, $ResellerUsername)); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); $httpResponse = curl_exec($ch); echo $httpResponse; curl_close($ch); ==== Post data variables which are available / required ==== === key (required) === * This is your own bridge key === data (required) === * This is a encrypted data array ==== Encrypted array variables which are available / required ==== === 1. action (required) === * This actions are available: create, terminate, suspend, unsuspend, addalias === 1.1 action create === * creates a new i-MSCP acount === 1.2 action terminate === * deletes an existing i-MSCP acount === 1.3 action suspend === * disables an existing i-MSCP acount === 1.4 action unsuspend === * enables an existing i-MSCP acount === 1.5 action addalias === * Adds a new domain alias to an existing i-MSCP acount === 2. reseller_username (required) === * value: Username of the reseller account === 3. reseller_password (required) === * value: Password of the reseller account === 4. domain (required) === * This will be later the new login of the i-MSCP panel === 5. admin_pass (required) === * Password for the new login of the i-MSCP panel === 6. email (required) === * Emailadress for the new login of the i-MSCP panel === 7. hosting_plan (required if you want to use hosting plans to create a user) === * value: string of the hosting plan name === 7.1 hp_mail (required if hosting_plan not set) === * value: -1 (disabled), 0 (unlimited) or a number > 0 === 7.2 hp_ftp (required if hosting_plan not set) === * value: -1 (disabled), 0 (unlimited) or a number > 0 === 7.3 hp_traff (required if hosting_plan not set) === * value: 0 (unlimited) or a number > 0 in MB === 7.4 hp_sql_db (required if hosting_plan not set) === * value: -1 (disabled), 0 (unlimited) or a number > 0 === 7.5 hp_sql_user (required if hosting_plan not set) === * value: -1 (disabled), 0 (unlimited) or a number > 0 === 7.6 hp_sub (required if hosting_plan not set) === * value: -1 (disabled), 0 (unlimited) or a number > 0 === 7.7 hp_disk (required if hosting_plan not set) === * value: 0 (unlimited) or a number > 0 in MB === 7.8 hp_als (required if hosting_plan not set) === * value: -1 (disabled), 0 (unlimited) or a number > 0 === 7.9 hp_php (required if hosting_plan not set) === * value: yes or no === 7.10 hp_cgi (required if hosting_plan not set) === * value: yes or no === 7.11 hp_backup (required if hosting_plan not set) === * value: no, dmn, sql or full === 7.12 hp_dns (required if hosting_plan not set) === * value: yes or no === 7.13 hp_allowsoftware (required if hosting_plan not set) === * value: yes or no (php must enabled if you set this value to yes) === 7.14 external_mail (required if hosting_plan not set) === * value: yes or no (hp_mail does not set to hp_mail -1) === 7.15 web_folder_protection (required if hosting_plan not set) === * value: yes or no === 7.16 phpini_system (required if hosting_plan not set) === * value: yes or no === 7.17 phpini_perm_allow_url_fopen (required if hosting_plan not set) === * value: yes or no === 7.18 phpini_perm_display_errors (required if hosting_plan not set) === * value: yes or no === 7.19 phpini_perm_disable_functions (required if hosting_plan not set) === * value: yes or no === 7.20 phpini_post_max_size (required if hosting_plan not set) === * value: numeric in MB === 7.21 phpini_upload_max_filesize (required if hosting_plan not set) === * value: numeric in MB === 7.22 phpini_max_execution_time (required if hosting_plan not set) === * value: numeric in seconds === 7.23 phpini_max_input_time (required if hosting_plan not set) === * value: numeric in seconds === 7.24 phpini_memory_limit (required if hosting_plan not set) === * value: numeric in MB === 8. alias_domains === * (must be an array), array('alias1.tld', 'alias2.tld') ==== Encrypted array variables which are available / required ==== * fname: first name * lname: last name * firm: company * zip: zipcode * city: city * state: state * country: country * phone: phone number * fax: fax number * street1: street * street2: additional street informations * gender: value can be "F=female, M=male" ==== KNOWN ISSUES ====