Table of Contents

This is a working draft. It is here for guidelines. Upon posting final guidelines, please remove this caption.

SVN Guide Lines (Working Draft)

0. Definitions

feature: A feature is a new introduced distinguishing characteristic of a software item. It will be called feature as long as it is not part of the code base.

trunk: trunk is the main development branch for the project. It underlies several rules, stated in section 1.

branch: A branch is a development part that is used for the creation of modified code (e.g. features). Rules for branches are section 2.

tag: A tag is a final branch where a release version is stored. Everything related to tags is stored in section 3.

1. The main development branch (trunk)

1.1 Commit

a. The CHANGELOG file should be updated on every commit. Changelog entries should look like this:


Where PART is one of the following:

Multiple entries should be ordered alphabetically. A line should not contain more than ~120 chars.

b. The date of commit must be the date in UTC.

c. Every commit should belong to a single change: Correction of a bug, addition of a new feature (branch reintegration) or any other task. This facilitates the work of the quality assurance tasks. Change reverts can be performed more easy if necessary.

Commits can be done with the following command:

$ svn up
$ svn ci -m " * [PART] Fixed #NUMBER: TEXT"
$ svn up

but better is to use an IDE such as PhpStorm, NetBean, eclipse…

Note: If someone else is the author of a patch the name of the author should be added in round brackets.

1.2 Merge

a. Developers should never perform partial merge of a branch into the trunk, only complete reintegrations.

Reintegration can be done with the following command:

$ svn up
$ svn merge --reintegrate
$ svn up

2. Development branches

2.1 General

a. The branches should be used to develop of new features or to maintain a version already released.

b. The feature branch developer should keep their branch up to date. He/she has to perform regular synchronization with the trunk and need to resolve conflicts properly.

2.2 Creation

a. A release branch must be named after a release and will be created with the following command, where x.y is the number of the release.:

$ svn copy

b. Each feature should have its own branch and must be initialized from the trunk. Use the following command for this:

$ svn copy

2.2 Commit

The same rules as for 1.1 are valid.

2.3 Synchronizations

As specified in paragraph 2.1.c developers must perform regular synchronization of their branch with the trunk. The Synchronization should be made with the following commands:

$ svn merge
$ svn ci -m "Synchonization with main development branch"
$ svn up

2.4 Merge from branch to trunk

Partial merges from one branch into the trunk are not permitted.

2.5 Re-integration

a. After the development of a feature is completed, the branch developers need to ask the team for approval to re-integrate the branch into the trunk with the following commands:

$ svn merge
$ svn ci -m "Synchonization with main development branch"
$ svn up
$ svn merge --reintegrate

b. After successful re-integration, the branch developer has to delete the branch. This can done by using the following command:

$ svn rm

3. Tags

3.1 General

a. Tags are the storage of releases. Once set, tags are immutable.

b. Tags should be only created by the _person preparing the release_

c. Every tag has to follow he name convention i-mscp-x.y.z, where x.y.z is the number of the release.

3.2 Tagging

The tagging has to be done on the day of a new version with the following command:

$ svn move