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LetsEncrypt Plugin

This plugin allows to activate Let's Encrypt for selected domains.


  • i-MSCP Serie 1.3.x


  1. Download the LetsEncrypt plugin archive from the plugin store
  2. Login into the panel as admin and go to the plugin management interface
  3. Upload the LetsEncrypt plugin archive
  4. Click on the Update Plugins button
  5. Activate the plugin


  1. Backup your current config file plugins/LetsEncrypt/config.php
  2. Download the LetsEncrypt plugin archive from the plugin store
  3. Login into the panel as admin and go to the plugin management interface
  4. Upload the LetsEncrypt plugin archive
  5. Restore your plugins/LetsEncrypt/config.php ( compare it with new version first )
  6. Click on the Update Plugins button in the plugin management interface


Unknown Host Error

Failed authorization procedure. www.domain.tld (http-01): urn:acme:error:unknownHost :: The server could not resolve a domain name :: No valid IP addresses found for www.domain.tld

If you get such error, be sure to add a `www` CNAME DNS resource record for each of your domains




/var/www/virtual/ · Last modified: 2016/07/04 23:26 by ninos