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OpenDKIM Plugin Documentation

Plugin providing OpenDKIM an implementation for i-MSCP.


  • i-MSCP versions >= 1.1.0
  • Installed packages: opendkim, opendkim-tools

Existing milter configurations

This plugin will not check for an existing milter configuration in the Postfix file. If you need to add an extra milter, please ask in our forum!

1. Install needed Debian/Ubuntu packages if not already done

# aptitude update
# aptitude install opendkim opendkim-tools

2. Get the plugin from github

# cd /usr/local/src
# git clone git://

3. Create new Plugin archive

# cd plugins
# tar cvzf OpenDKIM.tar.gz OpenDKIM

4. Plugin upload and installation

  • Login into the panel as admin and go to the plugin management interface
  • Upload the OpenDKIM plugin archive
  • Install the plugin


1. Get the plugin from github

# cd /usr/local/src
# git clone git://

2. Create new Plugin archive

# cd plugins
# tar cvzf OpenDKIM.tar.gz OpenDKIM

3. Backup your current plugin config

# plugins/OpenDKIM/config.php

4. Plugin upload and update

  • Login into the panel as admin and go to the plugin management interface
  • Upload the OpenDKIM plugin archive
  • Update the plugin list


For the different configuration options please check the plugin config file.

# plugins/OpenDKIM/config.php

After you made your config changes, don't forget to update the plugin list.

  • Login into the panel as admin and go to the plugin management interface
  • Update the plugin list


Internal DKIM test

You could check on the command line if OpenDKIM is working for your domain:

# opendkim-testkey -d -s mail -vvv

The result should look similar like this one. The 'key not secure' does not indicate an error. It is an expected consequence of not using DNSSSEC.

opendkim-testkey: checking key ''
opendkim-testkey: key not secure
opendkim-testkey: key OK

Query your DNS server and check the TXT DKIM record for your domain.

# dig -t txt

External DKIM test

Open the link below and send a mail from the domain you activated OpenDKIM to the random mail address shown on that page.

After you sent the mail, click on that page the 'View Results' button and verify the DKIM Information: section.

DKIM Information:

DKIM Signature

Message contains this DKIM Signature:
DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=simple/simple;;
	s=mail; t=1385558914;

Signature Information:
v= Version:         1
a= Algorithm:       rsa-sha256
c= Method:          simple/simple
d= Domain:
s= Selector:        mail
q= Protocol:        
bh=                 fdkeB/A0FkbVP2k4J4pNPoeWH6vqBm9+b0C3OY87Cw8=
h= Signed Headers:  Date:From:To:Subject:From
b= Data:            ZtWi/eDZtQ0RDv60FCDf4c+G9gqhFH3r6RPCw9vr400auTH0PnkOwt2BuLNpv4Uh4
Public Key DNS Lookup

Building DNS Query for
Retrieved this publickey from DNS: v=DKIM1; k=rsa; p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQDN+HbTA3/7KoENKhMr6qRO0cFeaDX1NSD5Xe7zkGhkvOnajIrhycu0XyxzHLTTSbFLq9juJmUbPmP9OVj44o0p/NqoLQ9oWjfkcM+7nq+S4QYGoM7h+SMcxjFm05mo0LdessYi/Sw5z6x87nMkLD/wQViDvctss4srrPTr/hqD+wIDAQAB
Validating Signature

result = pass


/var/www/virtual/ · Last modified: 2014/01/30 23:44 by mrpink