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i-MSCP Mailman plugin

Provides mailing-lists through GNU Mailman software.

Bear in mind that this documentation is for the last available version. If you use an older version, you must refer to the file inside the plugin archive.


  • i-MSCP Serie ≥ 1.4.x


  1. Be sure that all requirements as stated in the requirements section are met
  2. Upload the plugin through the plugin management interface
  3. Edit the plugin configuration file according your needs
  4. Install the plugin through the plugin management interface

Note that depending on your system, installation can take-up several minutes. You must be a bit patient and never short-cirtuit the process.

Default mailman list

The default mailman site list is automatically created with an auto-generated password. That password is sent to the mail account of the i-MSCP master administrator. The administrator can update password of the list through its own mailman interface at http(s)://<control_panel:port>/mailman URL.

Note that the system hostname must be resolvable, else, the mail won't be delivered.


  1. Be sure that all requirements as stated in the requirements section are met
  2. Backup your plugin configuration file if needed
  3. Upload the plugin through the plugin management interface

Note that depending on your system, update can take-up several minutes. You You must be a bit patient and never short-cirtuit the process.

Restore you plugin configuration file if needed

  1. Restore your plugin configuration file (compare it with the new version first)
  2. Update the plugin list through the plugin management interface

Plugin translation

You can translate this plugin using a gettext translation editor such as Poedit. Translation files are located under the ./l10n directory, inside of the plugin archive. Once translated you can send us your translation file (po file) for integration in future release.

Note that if no translation file exists for your localization in the ./l10n/po directory, you must create it first from the l10n/Mailman.pot file. Be aware that your file must be UTF-8, else, it won't be accepted.


Couldn't create new list via control panel /mailman/create URL

If you're upgrading from an older version, the sitewide password could not have been set yet. You can set the sitewide password as follow:

# /usr/lib/mailman/bin/mmsitepass <yourpassword>

Once done, you should be able to create new lists through the /mailman/create control panel URL.

Couldn't write aliases.db or virtual-mailman.db errors

In some situations, permissions to those files could have been reseted. You can set correct permissions as follow:

# cd /var/lib/mailman/data
# rm -f aliases* virtual-mailman*
# touch aliases virtual-mailman 
# postalias aliases
# postmap virtual-mailman
# chown list:list aliases* virtual-mailman* 
# chmod 0664 aliases* virtual-mailman*

Once done, don't forget to regenerate alias entries as follow

# sg list -c /usr/lib/mailman/bin/genaliases

See also LP: 1696066

Wrong URL in email notification of administrator lists

Because there is not way to setup different patterns for Mailman URL hosts, any link appearing in administrator list email notifications will refers to control panel URL without the port, excepted for mail sent by the plugin itself.

There is two ways to solve the problem:

  • Make use of the PanelRedirect plugin (not recommended)
  • Setup the control panel hostname as customer domain (or subdomain), and enable the proxy feature as follow:
    • URL forwarding: Yes
    • Forward to URL: http://<panel.domain.tld>:8880/ or https://<panel.domain.tld>:8443/ if SSL is enabled for the control panel
    • Forward type: PROXY Preserve Host

By doing this, the control panel will be available on standard HTTP ports and the problem of links in administrator list email notifications will be solved.

Note that for the second option, you need at least i-MSCP 1.4.4 version in which a bug regarding the redirect feature has been fixed.


  • IP-Projects GmbH & Co. KG -
  • Retail Service Management -


i-MSCP Mailman plugin

@author Laurent Declercq <[email protected]>
@copyright (C) 2013-2017 Laurent Declercq <[email protected]>
@license i-MSCP License <>

See the LICENSE file inside the archive for further details.

/var/www/virtual/ · Last modified: 2017/07/03 09:44 by nuxwin