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Postscreen Plugin Documentation

Plugin allows to use Postscreen with Postfix on i-MSCP.

The Postfix Postscreen daemon provides additional protection against mail server overload. One Postscreen process handles multiple inbound SMTP connections, and decides which clients may talk to a Postfix SMTP server process. By keeping spambots away, Postscreen leaves more SMTP server processes available for legitimate clients, and delays the onset of server overload conditions.


Please read the Postfix Postscreen Howto before installing this plugin.

If you use this Plugin your MUA clients should not submit mail via SMTP service on TCP port 25 because that is used for the Postscreen daemon with all the checks.

Instead your MUA clients should submit mails via SUBMISSION service on TCP port 587 or via SMTPS service on TCP port 465 which both require client authentication.


  • i-MSCP versions >= 1.2.3
  • Postfix version >= 2.8
  • See installation section for required software packages.


1. Install the needed Debian Squeeze / Ubuntu Lucid package

All newer versions of Debian / Ubuntu already have a compatible postfix version.

Debian Squeeze

Add the backports of Debian Squeeze to your /etc/apt/sources.list:

deb squeeze-backports main contrib non-free

Installation of newer postfix package:

# aptitude update
# aptitude -t squeeze-backports install postfix

Ubuntu Lucid

Add the backports of Ubuntu Lucid to your /etc/apt/sources.list:

deb lucid-backports main restricted universe

Installation of newer postfix package:

# aptitude update
# aptitude -t lucid-backports install postfix

2. Get the plugin from Plugin Store

3. Plugin upload and installation

  • Login into the panel as admin and go to the plugin management interface
  • Upload the Postscreen plugin archive
  • Install the plugin


1. Get the plugin from Plugin Store

2. Backup your current plugin config

# plugins/Postscreen/config.php

3. Plugin upload and update

  • Login into the panel as admin and go to the plugin management interface
  • Upload the Postscreen plugin archive
  • Update the plugin list


For the different configuration options please check the plugin config file.

# plugins/Postscreen/config.php

After you made your config changes, don't forget to update the plugin list.

  • Login into the panel as admin and go to the plugin management interface
  • Update the plugin list


/var/www/virtual/ · Last modified: 2015/09/29 12:22 by mrpink